奥本 昌夫 Masao Okumoto

奥本 昌夫 Masao Okumoto

Fish Camp Director and Hokkaido's "Trout Bum" Fly Fishing Expert


A self-proclaimed leading "trout bum​,​" Okumoto has been fly-fishing since the age of 27​,​ traveling back and forth between overseas and Hokkaido for many years. He contributes to magazines​,​ writes serials​,​ and produces videos to raise money and experience the best of the local fly fishing scene. He has no interest in anything other than camping and fly fishing.


The wisdom I have learned from nature in my native Hokkaido​,​ the knowledge I have gained from long fishing trips overseas​,​ the latest techniques I read in fly fishing magazines​,​ what I learn from a wide range of product manufacturers I have been involved with for a long time​,​ and my interaction with guides and experts from around the world are the foundation of the skills I have honed by fly fishing in a broad and deep way. We listen to our guests' wishes for fly fishing in Hokkaido and try to provide guidance that will be a source of inspiration for them in their fishing lives. Our goal is to provide fishing experiences that are tailored to the skills and needs of our guests​,​ without catering to the ego and convenience of the guides​,​ which is often the case.

Guide Q&A

Q: What is your most memorable experience in nature?

A solo camping and fly fishing trip in the wilds of southwestern Alaska. There was a moment when all five of my senses were sharpened to the utmost limit and I became assimilated into nature and realized that I was a part of nature. It was an experience that made me feel that time spent sleeping in nature and losing oneself with the fish can restore our own dignity.

Q: What does nature represent to you?

A place where people return, or a place to receive healing as a human being.

Q: What has nature taught you?

We humans are merely cogs in the wheel of nature. We must humbly cultivate wisdom and find the meaning of our existence.

Q: What do you hope that people will get out of experiences with you as a guide?

What you get is the nature of Hokkaido and the natural phenomena that trout give us. I hope it will add a little something to the satisfaction of our guests and their fishing life.


Writings: Trout Fishing in Hokkaido (book)​,​ Hokkaido Fishing + Camping (magazine)​,​ North Anglers​,​ FlyFisher (many serials) DVDs: Itou Senki​,​ Land of the American Trout​,​ Band of Rainbows Executive Director of Hokkaido Fishing & Adventure Lived abroad for about 4 years in mainland U.S.A.​,​ Alaska​,​ New Zealand​,​ Canada​,​ Argentina​,​ Chile​,​ and Australia Languages: Japanese​,​ English

